4th grade teachers “Making Waves” learning how to integrate the new generation science standards!
over 6 years ago, Heather Vargas
NGSS Training
Meet Pam- BBQing for the students at Yolo today!
over 6 years ago, Caralyn Mendoza
Miss Pam on the BBQ grill at Yolo
Tropical smoothies for breakfast at Bonita
over 6 years ago, Caralyn Mendoza
Tropical fruit smoothies
Breakfast options at OHS
over 6 years ago, Caralyn Mendoza
Breakfast Fruit Pizza
Orestimba Marching Band performing in Newman Fall Festival parade.
over 6 years ago, NCLUSD
OHS Band
Mr. Cope and Ms. Arteaga welcome families to Von Renner Back to School Night!
over 6 years ago, Ryan Smith
Mr. Cope welcoming families.
Ms. Arteaga introduces the Von Renner faculty and staff.
Mrs. Conforti encourages community involvement in our upcoming golf tournament fundraiser.
Collaborative Instructional Review
over 6 years ago, Randy Fillpot
Von Renner and  Bonita with Linda Jordan
Hunt Back to School Night
over 6 years ago, Kim Bettencourt
Hunt Tigers
Yolo Back to School Potato Bar
over 6 years ago, Caralyn Mendoza
Yolo cafeteria staff- Laura and Pam
Topping bar for the potatoes
Yolo Back to School Night is underway!
over 6 years ago, Kim Bettencourt
Admin ready for Back to School
Excited kids sampling the new pizza at Barrington Back to School
over 6 years ago, Caralyn Mendoza
Pizza samples at HBE Back to School
Principal, Mrs. Robles, welcomed our parents and students to the Barrington Elementary Back to School Night! Our Nutritional Services Department also showcased the new pizza served throughout NCLUSD!
over 6 years ago, Ryan Smith
Lupe Robles, Principal, introduced HBE Faculty.
Our dedicated staff serve students and parents complimentary pizza!
The stage is set for 5th grade presentations.
Teachers welcome visitors and make sure to sign in!
Principal Pruett kicking off OHS back school night!
over 6 years ago, Randy Fillpot
Mr. Pruett
Back to school
OHS parents
Self directed high school learners working hard using our Fuel Ed system at West Side High School.
over 6 years ago, Ryan Smith
Students working on laptops with Fuel Ed.
Mr. Gonzalez assisting a student as they continue making progress.
Mrs. Petersen welcomes our Bonita families at Back to School Night and our new Newman Crows Landing Unified District app! Available in iOS and Google Web Store!
over 6 years ago, Ryan Smith
Presentation and pizza, now off to class.
On the move to class!
Mr. Freeberg and information about our new app!
Bonita families and Mrs. Petersen reviewing the NCLUSD Mission for our learners.
NCLUSD returns in full force today in final preparation for our students to begin classes tomorrow!
over 6 years ago, Ryan Smith
Mr. Fillpot reads a thank you letter from a graduating NCLUSD student.
Staff listen closely.
Breakfast burritos from our nutritional services dept.
Welcome back NCLUSD!
over 6 years ago, Caralyn Mendoza
Welcome back NCLUSD from our awesome Child Nutrition staff!
over 6 years ago, Randy Fillpot
Ray McNulty
Learning has changed forever
Certificated staff
More certificated
over 6 years ago, Kim Mendonca
Welcome Back!
over 6 years ago, Kim Bettencourt