Complaint Information and Resources
If you find yourself at the point of needing to file a formal complaint, we are here to help. Our goal is always to ensure that all complaints, as the first step, have been initiated for resolution with the school site principal and/or department supervisor.
In order to best serve the needs of our employees, concerns about work-related issues are to first be addressed with your supervisor, who will attempt to resolve the matter.
Please note: Complaint forms are available by using the links to the complaint titles below.
General Complaints Overview
School Site Concerns:
Please note that per Board and Education Code, concerns at the school site must be addressed at the site with either the student’s teacher or an administrator. Because there are other concerns that are most appropriately resolved at the site level and because site-level personnel can best guide parents as to whom to contact, the school should be the first point of contact. Below are a few examples:
Class placement/schedules
Discipline issues
IEP/Special Education Issues
Teacher-related issues
Activity/Athletic issues
Transportation issues
If your concern/question falls into any of the above categories, please contact your child’s teacher or an administrator. Decisions related to these issues are made at the site level.
Employee Concerns:
In order to better serve the need of our employees, concerns about work-related issues; must be addressed with a department supervisor, who will attempt to resolve the matter.
Filing of Complaints
Newman-Crows Landing Unified has a detailed procedure for students, parents/guardians, and community members to follow when they seek specific redress regarding a complaint or disagreement about a District issue, situation or action. A complaint form and a full description of the procedure—Board Policy 1312.1(a)—is provided below.
Uniform Complaint Procedure: BP1312.3
Definition: A complaint regarding the violation of specific federal and state programs that use categorical funds.
Williams Complaint Procedure: BP 1312.4
Definition: A Williams Complaint, another type of UCP complaint, regards instructional materials, emergency or urgent facilities conditions that pose a threat to the health and safety of pupils, and teacher vacancy or misassignment.
Sexual Harassment
Newman-Crows Landing Unified School District is committed to maintaining a learning and business environment free of sexual harassment. The District prohibits the unlawful sexual harassment of any student, any employee or other person at school or at any school-related activity.
The District's related Board Policies and additional information are provided below:
Non-discrimination Statement
Newman Crows Landing Unified School District as well as all school in the school district do not discriminate in any programs or activities (educational, extracurricular, co-curricular, or employment based) on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, need of service animals or assistive technology or assistive devices. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Education Code (EC) sections 200 and 220 Title 5 California Code of Regulations (5 CCR) Section 4622, 4960(b), 4900 et seq
Title IX; 34 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 106.9 504: 34 CFR Section 104.8Title VI, 34 CFR Section 100.6(d) Title II, 28 CFR Section 35.106
Ryan Smith
Director of Human Resource Services
1223 Main Street Newman, CA 95360
Title IX is a federal law that was passed in 1972 to ensure that male and female students and employees in educational settings are treated equally and fairly. It protects against discrimination based on sex (including sexual harassment). In addition, Title IX protects transgender students and students who do not conform to gender stereotypes. State law also prohibits discrimination based on gender (sex), gender expression, gender identify, and sexual orientation. The preamble to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 states that:
"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
Title IX requires that each school district have at least one person designated as the Title IX Coordinator.
Student Fees
Note to Parents and Guardians:
Newman-Crows Landing Unified School District continuously strives to offer students a comprehensive array of programs within the District. We know these programs are important to our students and the community. At the same time, the California Constitution requires that public education is provided to students free of charge unless a charge is specifically authorized by law for a particular program or activity. Recently, a lawsuit against the State of California brought to light many practices that violated this right and mandated the need for districts to monitor all activity related to student fees.
In general, the law is very clear: our District may not charge fees for school programs and extracurricular activities, except those for which a fee is specifically authorized by law. This means that our District, like all districts in California, must ensure that parents, staff, and community are clear on the guidelines for student fees and donations and that they are followed with absolute consistency. Please note that the law does not prohibit a school district or its programs from requesting voluntary donations or engaging in fundraising activities and programs. These donations and fundraising financial contributions are voluntary, and all students will be allowed to participate in school activities and extracurricular activities regardless of whether the parent or legal guardian makes a donation or contribution.