Matt Vargas, Sal Perez and NCLUSD crew hard at work this morning installing the newly renovated Roger Pauletto sign. Just in time for homecoming! Go Warriors!!!
Today we held our annual Elementary Spelling Bee Competition! Big congrats to all students who participated in the spelling bee!!! The top four spellers who will represent our district at the County Spelling Bee are Paulina Reynoso (HBE), Roselyn Garcia Haro (Hunt), Diego Hernandez (Hunt), and Nathan Huerta (Bonita). Also, big shout-out to Mrs. Van Ruler for coordinating this event and all staff who made this special for our students!
Flash Mob? No, just the amazing Yolo drama class! Thank you Mr. Reeves.
We are very excited to introduce and welcome Mrs. Alysonn Cassidy, the new Director of After-School Programs at NCLUSD! She leads the charge in providing before and after school care at our school sites. If you see her around, say hello and welcome her to our district!
Ms. Dang and her student model for the class all things 7! Numeracy is a big deal in Kindergarten! If you want more info about working with
your children at home, there is a Hunt Parent Engagement Night tonight at 6pm! Hope to see you there!
Dig Pink 2021 was a success!!! Big thanks to everyone for coming out and for your support!
A card tower challenge features Jeremiah Byrd as part of the winning group that had to build a paper tower at least 2 feet high and one that could hold the most weight. Future engineers? We think so.
HBE students making balloon rockets today during "Brain Breaks"!
Principal Rick Gonzalez and Westside Valley High teacher Mr. Mendoza send Friday vibes by grilling lunch and playing water games with students. Proof that students are never too old or too cool for water games!
We are excited to announce Yolo's before school program "Before the Bell" opening on Monday, October 11th! See flyer for details.
Magic was in the air today at Von Renner as the students enjoyed an assembly with Wayne Houchin! He has presented his tricks around the world and even had a show on the Discovery channel!
Look who's auditioning for the role of Yolo Panther! Unfazed by hundreds of students coming onto campus this morning, this cool cat just might become the unofficial mascot!
Check out local No Cost COVID-19 walk up testing sites! See the flyer for more information.
Hurd Barrington Elementary School held its first all school assembly of the year. Teachers, and students were thankful to be together as "One Nest" again.
Reminder, OHS Senior Parent Night this evening from 5:30-7:15! If you have a senior, you'll want to attend! See attached flyer for information.
October means Dig Pink! Mark your calendars to attend this fun and important event. Click the link for details!
Yolo History students presenting laws imposed by England on the colonies and what the colonists were required to do. Speaking in front of the class and presenting is one way students at NCLUSD are being equipped for college and career.
Hunt Elementary School going old school during Kinder PE with Duck, Duck, Goose and Red Light, Green Light! Smiles everywhere!
Thank you to those of you who participated in the ESSER lll Survey. Here are the results. We will use this input from stakeholders to develop our ESSER lll Spending Plan.
Dear Parents,
As you may be aware, there is a concerning trend spreading across social media that sees students steal items from their schools and post pictures of their acquisitions on social media platforms. We are witnessing some of this activity at both Orestimba High School and Yolo Middle School. Please be aware that this activity is akin to theft and vandalism. We have increased our surveillance of the common areas of occurrence including the monitoring of available video footage. This is costly, disruptive, and serious offense. Students who are found stealing, in possession of stolen property, or found to have committed vandalism or destruction of school property will receive the appropriate consequences which may include, but not limited to, suspension, notification of law enforcement, and holding the parents responsible for financial retribution to cover the cost of any damages.
Please assist us by discussing this matter with your student and remind them that this is not an appropriate behavior, and they should not participate in this trend. We pride ourselves on the behavior of our students. It is unfortunate that this destructive activity is occurring our campuses. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.