Hunt Community, Welcome to the month of March! Please see the Hunt Elementary Newsletter for dates and information for the month of March.
Congratulations to our February students of the month! (3rd-5th)
Congratulations to our February students of the month! (TK-2nd)
Hello Hunt Families,
Please join us for the upcoming English Language Advisory Committee Meeting on Friday, February 24, 2023 @ 9:15 a.m. proceeding the Tiger's Awards Assembly in the cafeteria. We hope you can join us!
Link to ELAC Agenda:
Congratulations to the Hunt Staff Spotlight, Mrs. Donna Beveridge! Mrs. Beveridge is the Resource teacher at Hunt Elementary. Mrs. Beveridge, thank you for all that you do for our school community! Hunt Elementary appreciates you!!
Hello Hunt Families,
We will be having our next ELAC meeting on Friday, February 24, 2023 at 9:15am in the Cafeteria, proceeding our Monthly Tiger's Awards Ceremony. All are welcome to attend!
We had a great send-off to our Kindness Week this morning with Kat Country 103! The radio station went live with us this morning at our assembly and Hunt Students could be heard saying the pledge of allegiance for all listening to Kat Country 103 on the radio. So fun! We also gave kindness shout outs and talked about how our week of kindness made us feel. Have a great weekend Hunt families!
Hunt students celebrated the 100th day today by dressing as centenarians (someone who is 100+ years old). Fifth graders did activities with their kindergarten buddies to celebrate.
Congratulations to the Hunt Student Spotlight winners for this week! Congratulations to: 5th grade, Gael Valadez; 3rd grade, Kindred Rojas; and TK student, Emilio Martin! The student spotlight winners worked especially hard this week, in showing their kindness, respect, and in being helpful towards others! Thank you students for modeling the Hunt core values! Go TIGERS!!!
Hunt artwork on display outside West Side Theatre!
Hunt Community;
Welcome to 2023 and welcome back to school! School resumes this Tuesday, January 17th, 2023. Please note: Tuesday, January 17th is an early release day, with student dismissal at 1:30 p.m. Please see the January / February Newsletter for further information and upcoming dates.
Welcome back, Hunt Community!
Our Winter Program was such a great way to celebrate the first day of Winter! Thank you families for attending and showing support of our students who have been working hard practicing their performances.
Congratulations to our December TIGERS Award recipients who received their awards in the areas of academics, iReady growth or showing the monthly character trait of gratitude. Great job Tigers! (4th/5th)
Congratulations to our December TIGERS Award recipients who received their awards in the areas of academics, iReady growth or showing the monthly character trait of gratitude. Great job Tigers! (TK-3rd)
Santa has arrived at Hunt!
Happening now- 6-7pm:
Hunt family engagement night: Santa Came! Families, there is still time to come!
Holidays At Hunt: Students enjoyed their card making this week as the Hunt Administration team gave teachers a break and took each class for the annual Holidays at Hunt. Go Tigers!!!
Hunt Community: Welcome to the month of December! Please see the Monthly Newletter for upcoming events.
Hunt Families, please join us for the upcoming Family Engagement and PTC Holiday Craft Night on Friday, December 9th at 6:00 p.m. Dinner is included and all are welcome!
Hunt Math In Action! Hunt students shared their math skills today during our site math walk. Students were working hard and the learning was strong!
Congratulations to our November TIGERS award recipients! (4th/5th). We also had our Hunt Student Leadership Team come up and read some of the acts of kindness students around Hunt have shown this month.