Hunt Families and Community, please join us for the annual Hunt Open House, on Thursday, May 11th between 6:00-7:00 p.m.! The book fair will also be open 5:30-7:00 p.m. and we will have tables set out between 5:00-7:00 p.m. for new and returning student registration. The Food and Nutrition Department will also have snacks available for families to enjoy! We hope to see you there! All are welcome!
over 1 year ago, Hunt Elementary
Hunt Open House May 11th 6-7pm
Hunt Open House May 11th 6-7pm Span
Hello Hunt Community! Please see the May Newsletter below with important dates for May: Thank you! GO TIGERS!!!
over 1 year ago, Hunt Elementary
May Newsletter 2023
May Newsletter Span
Many Hunt students took a field trip today to OHS for their Ag Day! OHS students presented on Central Valley Agriculture.
over 1 year ago, Hunt Tigers
Ag Day
Ag Day
Ag Day
Ag Day
Ag Day
Ag Day
Ag Day
Ag Day
Ag Day
Ag Day
Congratulations to our April TIGERS Awards recipients! (3-5)
over 1 year ago, Hunt Tigers
Congratulations to our April TIGERS Awards recipients! (TK-2)
over 1 year ago, Hunt Tigers
Hunt Elementary would like to thank our amazing office secretaries, Mrs. Natalie Rodriguez and Ms. Brenda Hernandez for all of their hard work each and every day! Thank you, Mrs. Natalie and Ms. Brenda! Hunt Elementary appreciates you! Happy Administrative Professional's Day!!
over 1 year ago, Hunt Elementary
Admin Prof Day
Hunt students enjoyed the beautiful weather and fun activities on this day before spring break. We hope everyone enjoys their break!
over 1 year ago, Hunt Tigers
Hunt Elementary would like to thank our OHS volunteers for their wonderful help at the Hop Into Spring PTC Family Engagement Event last night! Hunt sends another big Thank you to the NCLUSD Food & Nutrition Department for providing the amazing dinner! Thank you to all who helped support with this wonderful event for our Hunt families! Go Tigers!
over 1 year ago, Hunt Elementary
Hop Into Spring 1
Hop Into Spring 2
Hop Into Spring 3
Hop Into Spring 4
Hunt Community, Welcome to the month of April! Please see the April Newsletter attached with events and dates for the month!
over 1 year ago, Hunt Elementary
April Newsletter
April Newsletter Span
3-5: Congratulations to our March TIGERS Award recipients who excelled in academics and character (grit).
almost 2 years ago, Hunt Tigers
TK-2: Congratulations to our March TIGERS Award recipients who excelled in academics and character (grit).
almost 2 years ago, Hunt Tigers
Hunt Families, Please join us for the Hop Into Spring Event on Wednesday, April 5th, 2023 from 5:00-6:30 p.m. All are invited! We hope to see you there! Please see the flyer for details!
almost 2 years ago, Hunt Elementary
Hop Into Spring Event 1
Hop Into Spring 2
Hello Hunt Families, We will be having our next ELAC meeting on Friday, March 31, 2023 at 9:15am in the Cafeteria, proceeding our Monthly Tiger's Awards Ceremony. All are welcome to attend!
almost 2 years ago, Wadean VanRuler
ELAC Meeting
ELAC Meeting
CAASPP State Testing: March 21st- March 24th for 3rd-5th Grades The CAASPP testing begins this upcoming week for students in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade. Hunt Families, here is a great link with resources and even a practice state test that you can take at home with your child: Hunt families, to help your child prepare, please encourage your child to get a good nights' rest and to eat healthy! Healthy routines make a such a difference, especially during testing week! Please see the link above for helpful resources with our state testing. If you have any questions, please contact the Hunt Office at (209) 862-1020.
almost 2 years ago, Hunt Elementary
CAASPP Testing Week
Greetings, Hunt Families! The week of March 13th-17th is an early release/minimum day week, with parent teacher conferences on Thursday, the 16th. Please see flyer for details.
almost 2 years ago, Hunt Elementary
March 13-17, 2023:  Early Release and Minimum Day Week
March 13-17, 2023:  Early Release and Minimum Day Week
Hunt Celebrates National Breakfast Week! This week we are celebrating the National Breakfast Week! Today, students enjoyed our Surprise Tray Day! Students that had the winning stars on their tray enjoyed a prize from the Cafe Treasure Chest! Thank you, to our amazing Cafe Staff for providing such wonderful meals to our students everyday! GO TIGERS!!!
almost 2 years ago, Hunt Elementary
National Breakfast Week
Photo 2 National Breakfast Week
National Breakfast Week Winners
Congratulations to the ​winners of the Read ​Across America Week ​Dress Up Week Contest! Way to Go Students!!!
almost 2 years ago, Hunt Elementary
Read Across America Winners
We ended our Read Across America Week with a school-wide assembly celebrating reading. Students brought their favorite books and talked about their favorite characters. We will continue to celebrate the joy of reading here at Hunt!
almost 2 years ago, Hunt Tigers
Read Across America Week
Read Across America Week
Read Across America Week
Read Across America Week
Today was our annual Rotary Read-In! Thank you to OHS for providing such wonderful guest readers to our students today!! Our Hunt students enjoyed every moment! What a great day!!
almost 2 years ago, Hunt Elementary
Rotary Read In Photo 1
Rotary Read In 2023
Rotary Read In 2023
Rotary Read In 4
Congratulations to Luis Ocegueda Grahanda for representing Hunt at the Every Student Succeeds Event! Luis, we are so proud of you and for what you do each day at Hunt Elementary! Congratulations, Luis!!!
almost 2 years ago, Hunt Elementary
Luis Photo ESSA
Luis ESSA Photo 2
Luis Photo 3 ESSA