Lunch is served! Effective March 23, 2020 meals will be available for pickup at Von Renner and Hurd Barrington Elementary, Monday through Friday from 11:00am-12:00pm. Meals will be FREE to ALL children ages 1-18. Children must be present in order for meals to be provided. Meals will include a daily lunch and breakfast for the following school day. The NCLUSD food truck will also be traveling an established route to deliver meals. Fisherman's Bend/Martin's: 10:00-10:30am Catfish Camp: 10:45-11:15am Bonita Elementary: 11:30am-12:00pm
almost 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Serving lunch
Serving Lunch
It was great to see members of our NCLUSD staff this morning during an extended cabinet zoom meeting. We are all still here to support our students, their families and the community we serve. By limiting the amount of time and people we interact with, we are truly working together to make a difference, today!
almost 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Extended Cabinet Zoom Meeting
Times almost up to pick up a nutritious and delicious lunch and breakfast. Hurd Barrington, Hunt, Von Renner, Yolo and OHS will all be serving until 1pm today, parents/guardians can pick up lunches via drive up or walk up. Children must be present in order for meals to be provided. Meals are FREE to ALL children from ages 1-18.
almost 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Drive up lunch
NCLUSD Food & Nutrition Services program will provide an opportunity for families to drive through and pick up FREE meals for the children ages 1-18 in their family at school sites. Children must be present in order for meals to be provided, effective March 19 - April 9.
almost 5 years ago, NCLUSD
NCLUSD School Closure Meal Schedules
School Closure Meal Schedule Spanish
NCLUSD Schools will close effective Thursday, March 19 through April 19, 2020.
almost 5 years ago, NCLUSD
Please read important information regarding update on COVID-19, March 13, 2020
almost 5 years ago, NCLUSD
Stanislaus Co. Public Health Office Recommendation
Informe de COVID-19 para NCLUSD
NCLUSD Update on COVID-19
Student Council would like to thank all those who participated in the ramen and peanut butter drive. We have the most upstanding and charitable students! Together, Yolo raised 1,881 items. Way to be Panther Proud!
almost 5 years ago, Yolo Middle School
Yolo contributed to the ramen and peanut butter drive by adding a total of 1,881 items. Way to go Panthers!
Guest speaker Adrian Vasquez spoke with Yolo 8th graders on his journey to his current career as a vlogger in New York City. He encourages students to dream big and then work hard to get there.
almost 5 years ago, Yolo Middle School
Newman native, Adrian Vasquez shares his message, "Find your passion and follow it!"
Excited students were able to ask questions, get autographs and take pictures.
Mrs. Bautista talks to Yolo student Jessie Garza and Adrian about how she has used his videos in class.
Adrian Vasquez and his mom Ofelia Brown.Adrian shared that his mom is his biggest fan and supporter.
The competition was tough, but victory is oh so sweet! Congratulations to all the students who participated in the Yolo Future Chefs competition. Good luck to Lizbeth, Mallory and Rafael in the finals!
almost 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Yolo future chef participants
Yolo students decorating cakes
Yolo student decorating cake
Yolo students advancing to finals
Future Chef competition at Yolo!
almost 5 years ago, Yolo Middle School
Finished products
Future Chefs
Beautiful cakes!
Future Chefs
Yolo guitar students performed for family and friends.
almost 5 years ago, Yolo Middle School
Yolo Guitar Concert 2020
Parents, we need your input as we begin to develop NCLUSD’s 2020-2021 Local Control and Accountability Plan(LCAP). The LCAP is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities. The LCAP provides an opportunity for local educational agencies (LEAs) to share their stories of how, what, and why programs and services are selected to meet their local needs. We value your input so please complete the LCAP Parent Survey by March 6th. LCAP Parent Survey Spanish: LCAP Parent Survey English:
almost 5 years ago, NCLUSD
At this time, the health risk to the general public in California from novel coronavirus remains low. As with any virus, especially during the flu season, there are a number of steps you can take to protect your health and those around you. The Newman-Crows Landing Unified School District is advising parents, as we always do, to not send your child to school if they are sick.
almost 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Coronavirus flyer eng
Coronavirus flyer Spanish
This week at Yolo
about 5 years ago, Yolo Middle School
Students research and created posters for a gallery walk.
Posters display the characteristics of different empires and how trade impacted their growth.
National No One Eats Alone week. Students engage in lunch time activities with old and new friends.
Students pledge to be kind and make new friends.
When we return from the long weekend NCLUSD will officially go live with our new electronic flyer delivery system Peachjar! This "electronic backpack" is going to allow parents/guardians to access important flyers without ever having to dig through a student's backpack again!
about 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Peachjar announcement English
Peachjar announcement Spanish
Our Peachjar launch date is almost here! Beginning February 18, 2020 Peachjar flyers will be sent directly to your email inbox, you can access flyers while on the go, sign up for programs and events with the click of a button, and easily share flyers via social media.
about 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Peachjar announcement Flyer in English
Peachjar announcement in Spanish
Peachjar FAQ's in Spanish
Peachjar FAQ's in English
Great news, with power fully restored in Newman we are expecting the school day to run as scheduled. All USDA guidelines are being followed and necessary precautions are being taken to ensure food safety for our students and staff following the power outage.
about 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
The power is back on in Newman and all schools are open. We are looking forward to seeing all of our students for a great Monday!
about 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
It appears that Newman could be without power until 3:30 pm tomorrow (2/10/2020). We will still open every school tomorrow as a safe place for children to be. There will be a limited food service tomorrow, no lights, no internet, but a lot of time to read books and build relationships!
about 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Reminder: The deadline for the 2020 Future Chefs Competition (grades 6-12) is February 13. This two day event will test the sweet skills of our students as they bake and decorate a cake from scratch. Please see flyer for more details.
about 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Secondary Future Chefs Competition Flyer