FFA Leadership at Camp Sylvester
Monday - Adventure is Out There! It is Homecoming week at Orestimba High School and our first dress up day is Safari Day! Come dressed looking for adventure.
OHS vs Ripon Christian
Students in the robotics class have been working on a whole class project to have their individual robots work together.
Animation is happening at Orestimba.
Continuing the competition.
Students in gaming club were having a Dance, Dance Revolution competition
Orestimba students, staff, and families listening to Mr. Rocha welcome the volunteers for Bailey’s Run this Saturday.
State FFA Officers Visit OHS
Leadership spirit patrol
Students started shooting their first short film in Multimedia Productions today.
Here is the daily lunch menu for OHS for August
OHS cafeteria with The Mac & Cheese bar at Back to school night
Friday Night Lights! OHS 50 and Bret Harte 27.
Warrior Cross Country
Warriors Cross Country
Welcome back!
Stop by and see Orestimba High School at the Back to School Festival on August 4th from 8:30 to 12:00 in the Newman Plaza.