Greetings Hunt families and community! Please come and join us this evening at 6:00pm, for our annual Back to School Night. We will meet in the cafeteria and have two sessions for classes. Our Back To School Night will be from 6:00-7:00pm. We hope to see you there!! Go Tigers!!!
Welcome Back Hunt Students, and school community! Happy 1st Day of School! It was Day 1, and students certainly did a fantastic job showing that they were ready to learn. Go Tigers!!!
Families at Hunt enjoyed meeting their teachers at our Ice Cream Social.
Thank you Hunt families, community and staff for joining us at our Back to School Festival this morning!
Congratulations to our
Footsteps 2 Brilliance Summer Reading Contest Winners! Our winners read a total of 80,221 words over the summer! Great job students!! What a great way to start the 2019-2020 school year!
Go Tigers!!
What an wonderful last day!!! We hosted our Kindergarten end of year celebrations, our 5th grade BBQ and all sorts of fun activities. What a great way to end the year!! Hunt students and families, we wish you a fun, safe and restful vacation. We look forward to seeing you in August!!
Congratulations to our Hunt Elementary Perfect Attendance Winners for the 2018-2019 school year!! Great job students!!
Hunt students and staff showed their Tiger Pride this week with their Olympic team spirit! At the end of our Olympic Games, students enjoyed a staff team relay. Go Tigers!!!
The Hunt students, staff and community began the Annual Soares Invitational Olympics Games this morning.
Go Tigers!!
With last week being the National Police Week, our Hunt Elementary school community in conjunction with the OHS Criminal Justice Class and Warrior Watch hosted a special assembly this morning, to show appreciation for our school resource officer and for the Newman Police Department. Our hearts were with Cpl. Singh today during the event.
Thank you Newman Police!
We appreciate you!🖤💙🖤
Good Evening Hunt Families! Our 5th graders had a great time visiting Yolo today and enjoyed lunch at the Yolo cafeteria. Go Tigers!!
Hello Hunt Families and Communities! Here are some great photos of the Footsteps 2 Brilliance BBQ lunch. All students were rewarded with a BBQ lunch for their hard work in reaching their 25 million words read! Thank you NCLUSD Food and Nutrition Department for the delicious lunch!
Congratulations to our Accelerated Reader Award winners!!! Students enjoyed a limo ride to the Barnes and Nobles bookstore, where they were able to select a book to take home. Congratulations to:
Brandon Diaz-5th grade
Maria Martinez-3rd
Kylee Joyce-3rd
Kelly Zapien-4th
Analeigh Diaz-4th
Austin Weightman-5th
Genesis Nunez-5th
Great Job, Students!!!
Hunt students are presenting their writing about perseverance during our Writers Workshop Dinner night. Great job Hunt students!
Greetings Hunt Families and Community! This evening we have our Writer’s Workshop Math and Literacy Night, with a Dia del niño, Day of the Child theme. The event begins at 5:30pm, and all are welcome! Dinner is included! We hope to see you there!
Hunt Students has a great time at the annual Spring Field Day! Go Tigers!!
Hunt students enjoy an assembly with a great artist!
Hunt students are competing in the Future Chefs Finals today!!
AR Reading Celebration: Great job students! Our students thoroughly enjoyed their Alice and Wonderland themed event! Great job students! I’d like to thank our PTC president and PTC vice president for their time and support with our event! Go Hunt Tigers!!
Our Hunt students have been working hard! Here are a few photos of students from the week. Go Tigers!!
Hunt started their Monday with a visit from the Modesto Nuts mascot to kick off the Modesto Nuts Reading Program!